New Members
Depending on where you are on your faith journey, there are a few ways for you to join: Baptism, Confirmation or through a Letter of Transfer.
We welcome you to become part of Trinity Church! Whether you have been baptized, confirmed, have belonged to a previous Episcopal parish or a church of a different denomination, or you are new to church altogether, the first step in joining is to complete this New Member Information form so we can get in touch with you. It will also allow us to put you on the mailing list to receive the weekly email Trinity Tidings so you will know about upcoming events and services. We look forward to seeing you sometime soon!
Holy Baptism
Baptism is considered as the foundation of a Christian life. The Episcopal Church believes that God’s action in baptism is permanent so we recognize any baptism that uses water and is done in the name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Throughout the year, baptisms are held on special Sundays according to the Liturgical calendar. Baptisms are held at the 10:30am worship service. If you would like to be baptized, or you’d like to schedule a baptism for your child, please contact the church.
Confirmation, Reception, Reaffirmation
Confirmation represents a mature commitment to Christ and to the Episcopal faith. It is the hope and expectation that all adult members will be confirmed and is a requirement to be able to serve on the vestry. Reception is for those adults who have been confirmed by a bishop in a Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Methodist church and who are now ready to become Episcopalian. Reaffirmation is for those adults who have been confirmed in the Episcopal church, but have experienced a renewal of faith or desire to renew their Christian commitment and baptismal vows. Once you have been prepared by attending our Inquirer’s Class classes (held on Sunday mornings, usually in the summer), the bishop who usually visits once a year will confirm, receive, or reaffirm you.
Letter of Transfer
For those who are already Episcopalian, we can write to your previous parish to request a 'letter of transfer' to Trinity Church and then you will officially become a member here.