Administrative Assistant and Organist
Georgia Parsons
Georgia Parsons has served as Trinity’s Administrative Assistant since 2019. She is an experienced executive administrative assistant having served in that position at the Texas Board of Nursing and at Fox 7 News.
As Trinity Administrator, Georgia puts together the Trinity Tidings, our online weekly parish newsletter, is in charge of membership, is the trainer for the Diocesan program, “Safeguarding God’s Children,” is the keeper of the calendar and issuer of keys, and serves as the receptionist to name just a few of the many tasks she accomplishes for Trinity with her grace and good humor.
During the summer of 2023, Georgia took on a new role as our church organist/pianist. As always, her talents have richly blessed our parish.
Georgia describes herself as a musical person and a lover of animals. She grew up in New Mexico and sang and played piano and organ in her church. Loving to read, Georgia has also written and published two books. She and her husband, Will, moved to Texas from Colorado and have lived here for over 20 years. They have 4 sons and 5 grandchildren. Georgia and Will are hobby breeders of red, toy poodles-- that are darling. She likes to meet new people and is happy to be here at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Administrative Assistant
Kelley Harbert
Kelley Harbert began her work as Administrative Assistant in January 2025. She is perfectly qualified in many ways; she worked five years as sole office manager in a Lutheran Church, and she has a warm, attentive personality.
Kelley has lived in the Austin area since she was a teen. She & her family moved to Horseshoe Bay in 2021. Her husband is retired from military service. Kelley is a grandmother; their oldest son & his family with three young children, ages 6, 3, and 2 months, live in greater Austin. In addition to their two teens still at home, they enjoy life with 3 dogs and 2 cats. Kelley is very involved at their home church, Lake Shores Church.
Choir Director
Barbara Warden
As a lover of participatory music, Barbara Warden happily accepted the opportunity to “fill in” as choir director for Trinity since 2014. As Barbara says, “it’s been a joy to dust off skills from my first degree and lead a talented and dedicated group of musicians.” After nine years directing an adult literacy council, twenty-six managing a technology sales corporation - overlapped by six and a half years of academic advising, it revives her soul to partner with the choir and accompanist Janie Cunningham in ministry through music.
Those who share in this music ministry find great joy in using God’s gifts, no matter how amateur or professional. The mingled voices, hearts, and energy of this choir create a unique ensemble offering a wide variety of sacred music to Trinity. Choir members enjoy what they already can do, and find pleasure in growing skills to do more. The choir membership is open: anyone who loves to sing is welcome to visit, sing along with us, and see if the Trinity Parish Choir would engage their talents and service.
Barbara and her husband, Jim, have been Trinity members since 2004, and she and Jim share two daughters, a son, and a passel of grandkids. In her spare time, Barbara loves spending time with her extended family and her four-legged family (two dogs, three horses), then collapsing somewhere cozy and quiet to read.
Barb Parmeter
Barb Parmeter serves as the webminister for Trinity. Barb holds a bachelors degree in Art from Scripps College, as well as a Masters Degree in Secondary Education. She was born and raised in Arizona, moving to Texas in 1998 with her husband Lee. Barb was confirmed in the Episcopal Church in 2013. She is a member of the Daughters of the King, serves as a part of the Mission & Outreach Commission, is a part of Trinity’s AV team, and regularly serves at the altar as acolyte and chalice bearer. She also serves as the church bookkeeper.
Barb served as Trinity’s Senior Warden in 2020; one of her goals was to see the church website updated and an increase in the use of technology for outreach. She gladly took on the task of creating a new website. Her new role as webminister includes maintaining and updating our web site. Barb says it is a blessing to use her gifts in serving God and her community.